Museum of Reconstruction in Agadir, Marocco
The lighting at the Museum of Reconstruction in Agadir guides users throughout their visit. It is designed to be sober and discreet, integrated as much as possible into the architectural elements of the site. Warm, diffused 3000K lighting welcomes users from the entrance porch through to the hall and reception areas. The various exhibition areas are lit by neutral 4000K scenographic lighting. This lighting can be adjusted/focused and framed for the central space and adjusted/adjustable for the periphery, according to different configurations: use, location and size of works, display cases, display panels, etc. Using a set of mini-projectors on rails, this delicate lighting enhances and reveals each of the works on display. This museum, with its artefact-type works, does not require us to take any conservation measures. The contribution of natural light is therefore fully exploited as general lighting.© photographs : Luc Boegly for Atelier Adeline Rispal
The memory of the future